Youth Ministry
Raising a generation who hears God's voice, knows His Word, and walks boldly with Him.
Structure and Opportunities
The youth spend worship time in the adult service worshipping with the main congregation. After worship the youth are released to their classroom where they share praise reports, pray over each other, have a Bible lesson, and spend time talking about relevant topics and current events from a Biblical worldview.
Special youth events are planned throughout the year as a place for the youth to connect, go deeper with God, and to do service and outreach projects as a way to share their faith and impact the world around them.
Vision and Purpose
Our vision for the youth, grades 6-12, is to equip, empower, and activate our children to know God, His Word and voice, and how to advance His Kingdom.
We work to cultivate an atmosphere of love, value and honor. In this safe place of acceptance, youth are encouraged to dream with God and discover their identity in Him.
They learn the joy of worship, express their creativity in various art forms and receive a strong biblical foundation preparing them for a life of adventure and impact with Jesus.
Life in the Holy Spirit is demonstrated and cultivated through personal encounters with Him and the gifts He gives.